Safety & Pressure Relief Valves
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NABIC has a rich history dating back to the Industrial Revolution and Victorian Age and is a brand name you can trust.
Simply Best In Class
We manufacture in the UK a range of safety and pressure relief valves as well as control valves in gunmetal and stainless steel suitable for a wide variety of fluids including steam, hot water and air.
NABIC valves are ideal for vented and unvented heating systems, hot water and steam boilers, compressed air systems, pump relief and bypass.

A range of standard and high lift safety relief valves, available in gunmetal and stainless steel variants. Multiple applications but especially utilised on hot water systems, steam and air.

Standard and high lift pressure relief valves for applications where pressure tightness is required on the discharge side of the valve. Ideal for pump relief and bypass and on cold water mains to protect from PRV failure.

Designed for use on unvented hot water supply systems where protection is required against both temperature and pressure. Both these parameters can be set independently.

Designed to protect drying cylinders, calorifiers and tankers from collapse due to an internal vacuum. Used on steam systems to assist condensate drainage and to prevent suction of contents from vats.